Lightning Arena

Lightning Arena is a fun, unique and fast-paced modern Tetris event hosted on TETR.IO. Players compete in short sets over the course of an hour, and gain points for each win. The player with the most points at the end of the hour is the winner!


  • Matches will be set up by the Lightning Arena bot. You must be in the Discord server to participate.
  • Matches start at FT3, increasing to FT4 if one player in the match has at least 10 points, and to FT5 if they have at least 20.
  • Winning a match is worth 1 point. This increases to 2 points upon reaching a win streak of 3.
  • Matches are played using Season 2 Tetra League settings.
  • Not showing up for a match, or disconnecting from a match, will grant your opponent the win.


  • Abide by TETR.IO and community policies.
  • Do not interfere with, or disrupt, the running of events.
    • Join matches in a timely fashion, and do not deliberately stall or lengthen matches.
    • Avoid excessively disconnecting / forfeiting matches.
    • Do not misrepresent your skill level to disrupt proper seeding.
  • Be civil and respectful.
    • Be polite towards other players, spectators and staff.
    • StackJam events are inclusive spaces. Any harassment, discrimination, or similar abusive behaviour will not be tolerated.

Players who break the rules may be verbally warned, disqualified from the current event, or banned entirely from all StackJam events, temporarily or permanently. Rulebreaking that constitutes a breach of TETR.IO policies will also be referred to TETR.IO staff.

Staff have discretion to deal with disruptive behaviour that fall outside the scope of the rules. If you have questions about the rules, wish to appeal a sanction, or would like to report someone in confidence, contact a moderator on Discord.